• Difference between Explanation Text and Procedure Text
⏩Explanation Text :
 1. Text that aims to explain a matter of phenomena
 2. Has a structure: General statement, explanatory sequence and conclusion

 ⏩Procedure Text :
 1. Text that aims to explain the steps in carrying out an activity so that the activity will           succeed.
 2. Have a structure: Purpose, Material and Steps

 ⏩Equation of the Explanation Text and Procedure Text :
 1. Equally explain the process of something happening
 2. Both are nonfiction texts are no

• Explanation Text
  General statement:
Herbal medicine is a nutritious drink from Indonesia as a health drink, preventing and curing various diseases. especially lemongrass is an herbal plant that is often used as a spice for various Indonesian dishes. However, lately it has become popular as an ingredient for tea. that tea can help fight free radicals, thereby reducing the incidence of inflammation in the body. While lemongrass itself contains inflammatory eradicating compounds, namely chlorogenic acid, isoorientin, and swertiajaponin. Inflammation is a factor of various health problems, including pain and heart disease. Therefore, lemongrass tea can be a beneficial drink for the diet, reduce cholesterol, prevent infection, increase red blood cell levels.
⏩ Annotation line:
"How to make lemongrass tea"

Wash fresh lemongrass, then boil it with water until it boils, remove from the stove and wait until it cools. Strain into a glass or bottle.
⏩Conclusion :
lemongrass tea is very easy to make. in addition to the ingredients needed only a little, lemongrass tea herbs also do not take much time to make.
⏩ Procedure text:
"How to make lemongrass tea"
This lemongrass herbs store many other health benefits such as blood circulation, overcoming dandruff and hair loss, overcoming aches in joints and gout, helps to shed kidney stones and reduce blood sugar levels, has diuretic properties to facilitate urination etc.
⏩ Material:
- fresh lemongrass (up to how much lemongrass is needed)
- 500 ml of water
- enough sugar
- wash lemongrass first

* Cut thinly fresh lemongrass.
* Boil with boiled water until boiling
* Allow to cool.
* Filter before the cooking water is drunk.
* If you want to add sugar, use low-calorie sugar or a little rock sugar you can mix in the stew.
* You can also add honey to this lemongrass tea.
* You can add brown sugar or lime juice to taste.
* Minumah lemon grass tea regularly regularly every day for more benefits.


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